Vessels Built by the Erling Sylte and the Sylte Shipyard Ltd.

compiled by John M. MacFarlane 2013

Vessels Built by the Erling Sylte

8 matches. 1 page. Max 50 records per page.
Page # 1
Name Registration Vessel Type Year Built
Granny Hutch 816122 (Canada) Tug 1992
Midnight Drifter (I) 815136 (Canada) Fishboat, general 1990
My Lady Jane 814404 (Canada) Fishboat, general 1990
Pac-Man 811194 (Canada) Fishboat, seiner 1988
Pacific Viking (III) 812796 (Canada) Fishboat, general 1989
Patricia K. 816122 (Canada) Tug 1992
Shotgun 815097 (Canada) Fishboat, general 1991
Smoke Notch 814432 (Canada) Yacht, power-cruiser 1990

Vessels Built by the Sylte Shipyard Ltd.

58 matches. 2 pages. Max 50 records per page.
Page # 1
Name Registration Vessel Type Year Built
Abyssinia (II) 1081069 (US) Passenger/Freight Vessel 1999
Arctic Vixen 827819 (Canada) Yacht, sail 2005
Catherwood Transporter No. 1 816756 (Canada) Barge 1993
CIPA 23 847650 (Canada) Work Boat 2023
Daria (I) 331987 (Canada) Fishboat, general 1970
David J 840151 (Canada) Tug 2016
El Toro (II) 816454 (Canada) Tug 1992
Gemini Warrior 843015 (Canada) Tug 2019
Helen J. (II) 816566 (Canada) Tug 1992
HJNJ I 816153 (Canada) Barge 1992
Inlet Bronco 837569 (Canada) Tug 2013
Inlet Crusader 839086 (Canada) Tug 2015
Inlet Knight 836453 (Canada) Tug 2012
Inlet Ranger 835306 (Canada) Tug 2011
Inside Passage 831696 (Canada) Passenger Vessel 2007
Interfor I 833506 (Canada) Tug 2002
Jennell II 816565 (Canada) Tug 1992
Judy J 843832 (Canada) Tug 2015
Justin H 823264 (Canada) Passenger Vessel 2002
Kiss 831920 (Canada) Yacht, power-cruiser 2006
Kookaburra (Canada) Yacht, power-cruiser 2004
Little Viking (II) C01338BC (Canada) Fishboat, general (nk)
Maria (VII) 820175 (Canada) Tug 1998
Misty Michael 827200 (Canada) Yacht, power-cruiser 2004
MLT No.2 816154 (Canada) Barge 1992
Mustang (II) 816469 (Canada) Tug 1992
Nautilus Explorer 822547 (Canada) Passenger Vessel 2000
Nellie Irene 817612 (Canada) Tug 1994
Numas Warrior 833251 (Canada) Tug 2008
Ocean Betty (II) 816469 (Canada) Tug 1992
Ocean Defiant 842095 (Canada) Tug 2018
Ocean Diana 847776 (Canada) Tug 2024
Ocean Greg 845257 (Canada) Tug 2022
Ocean Magic 827612 (Canada) Passenger Vessel 2005
Ocean Magic II 828795 (Canada) Passenger Vessel 2006
Ocean Warlock 816454 (Canada) Tug 1992
Our Bro 830776 (Canada) Fishboat, general 1996
Rocky Defender 836941 (Canada) Tug 2012
Saam Wolf 820070 (Canada) Tug, harbour 1998
Sea Imp II 816565 (Canada) Tug 1992
Sea Imp IX (I) 816566 (Canada) Tug 1992
Sea Imp IX (II) 833554 (Canada) Tug 2007
Sea Imp XI (II) 840717 (Canada) Tug, river 2017
Sea Imp XVII 817573 (Canada) Tug 1994
Sea Imp XVIII 817574 (Canada) Tug 1994
Seaspan Scout 816475 (Canada) Tug 1992
Shuswap (II) 835426 (Canada) Tug 2011
Smit Tiger 820966 (Canada) Tug 1999
Smit Tiger Sun 820966 (Canada) Tug 1999
Smit Wolf 820070 (Canada) Tug, harbour 1998

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Author’s Note: This is a partial list (work in progress).

Note to Reader: Vessel names containing Roman numerals in parentheses (e.g. Floater (II)) indicates more than one vessel in the database with the same name. The numerals in parentheses are NOT part of the vessel name but are used to distinguish one vessel from another in the database.

Vessel Images: Can you help us fill gaps in the vessel images in the database? If you have pictures of missing vessels that you have taken and would be willing to contribute to the database to make it more complete all our users would be very grateful. Please send them to admin(at)

To quote from this article please cite:

MacFarlane, John M. (2013) Vessels Built by the Erling Sylte and the Sylte Shipyard Ltd 2013.


Site News: March 24, 2025


The vessel database has been updated and is now holding 95,326 vessel histories (with 16,457 images and 14,217 records of ship wrecks and marine disasters).

The mariner and naval biography database has also been updated and now contains 58,600 entries (with 4,003 images).

My thanks to Ray Warren who is beginning a long process of filling gaps in the photo record of the vessel histories in the vessel database. Ray has been documenting the ships of Vancouver Harbour for more than 60 years.

Thanks to contributor Mike Rydqvist McCammon for the hundreds of photos he continues to contribute to illustrate British Columbia’s floating heritage.

My very special thanks to our volunteer IT adviser, John Eyre, who (since 2021) has modernized, simplified and improved the update process for the databases into semi–automated processes. His participation has been vital to keeping the Nauticapedia available to our netizens.

Thanks to John Spivey who is in his 4th year of fact checking all of the entries in the vessel database, one-by-one.

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