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Military Vessels Converted to Tugs & Yachts in British Columbia Waters
by the late John Henderson with updates by John M. MacFarlane 2015

Canadian National No. 2 #143165 (Photo from the John Henderson collection.)
Before he died in 2008, my cousin John Henderson wrote a draft of an article on converted military tugs which, to the best of my knowledge, was never published. With growing interest in the subject matter I thought it wise to complete and update it and to share it with interested readers. Henderson was a well–known marine engineer of the coast and a life long ship buff. He developed this great passion from his early childhood interest in tug boats.
After the First and Second World Wars the influx of high quality military surplus tugs propelled the towing industry, and with it the forest industry and other commerce to a level that might not otherwise have been possible in British Columbia. The tugs cam mainly from the UK and USA with a few provided by the Canadian forces after the Second World War.
This is a topic with many threads. It does not begin to cover the Canadian Fairmiles and other Canadian Naval vessels that made their way into private hands after their military service. That is a subject for another article.
Saint–class Tugs
In April 1916 the British Admiralty placed orders for 64 tugs from shipyards around the United Kingdom and in Hong Kong. When the First World War ended on 11/11/1918 many of them were not yet completed. Eventually 18 were cancelled, 46 were completed and most were laid up as soon as they were delivered. The decision was made to sell surplus tugs to commercial operators who prized them as high quality vessels. They were the first tugs to have a raised forecastle deck that extended to the aft end of the boat deck. All the tugs were single screw and fitted with a coal fired triple-expansion steam engine with an output of 1,250 ihp and were capable of a speed of 12 knots. With a large coal capacity they could steam at full power for 15 days.
The triple–expansion reciprocating engine had cylinders of 18 1/4", 28 1/2" and 48 1/4" diameters and a 28" stroke at 125rpm the engine developed 1250 ihp. The two single-ended scotch boilers were coal fired along with the usual auxiliaries and fitted with a ten ton per day capacity evaporating and distilling plant for de–salination of sea water. They were also equipped with electric lighting power derived from a 12kw generator driven by a 20hp turbine.
Original Name | Later Names | O/N |
St. Catherine | later St. Catherine; later Canadian National No. 2; later Polaris; later Gulf Freda | #143165 |
St. Faith | later St. Faith; later S.D. Brooks; later Haida Monarch; later Le Beau | #143397 |
St. Florence | later St. Florence; later Kyuquot | #143307 |
HMS Caledonian Salvor | later Caledonian Salvor; later Sudbury II; | #? |
HMS Cambrian Salvor | later Cambrian Salvor; later HMS Cambrian Salvor; later HMAS Cambrian Salvor; later Cambrian Salvor; later Caribische Zee; later Collinsea; later Francois C.; later Ras Deira; | #? |
HMS Finwhale | later Hopkins Bros.; later Canadian National No.1 | #145356 |
Royal Navy Assurance–class Tugs
There were 21 Assurance–class tugs built by Cochrane and Sons Ltd., Selby, Yorks UK during the Second World War as Rescue Tugs. They were all 156.6' x 35' x 16.6' powered by triple expansion 1350ihp steam engines producing 13 knots. They were all single screw.
Original Name | Later Names | O/N |
HMS Cautious | later Rivtow Lion | #? |
HMS Tenacity | later Adherent; later Hermes; later Rivtow Viking | #182199 |
Miki Miki–type Tugs
This class of tugs was modelled after the Miki Miki built in 1929 for Young Bros. towing of Honolulu Hawaii. They were designed by L.H. Coolidge and several were built by Ballard Marine. Officially they were known as Miki–class Tugs (Ocean-going). There were 61 of them built for the U.S. Army Transportation Service. They were 128’ x 28’ x 16’. They were powered by either a 1200hp Enterprise engine or a 1200hp Superior engine in the single screw version. In the twin screw version they carried a 600hp or 900hhp Fairbanks–Morse. All the twin screw version were built on the west coast with fir and cedar construction. The name Miki Miki means "on time".
Original Name | Later Names | O/N |
LT–144 (USATS) | later Florence Filberg | #176286 |
LT–188 (USATS) | later Island Navigator; later Isla; later Pablo; | #177383 |
LT–462 (USATS) | later James M. Curley; later Johnstone Straits; later Centennial Lion; | #198101 / #252183 (US) |
LT–496 (USATS) | later J.S. Foley; later Haida Warrior; later Active; later 109; | #178830 |
LT–465 (USATS) | later Ernest F. Ladd; later Lloyd B. Gore; later Ernest F. Ladd; | #193524 |
LT–158 (USATS) | later Mary Mackin | #176287 |
US Army LT–class Tugs
The Large tug (LT–class) were all built as steel hulled diesel powered Ocean-going tugs. They were powered by 1,200bhp and 1225bhp Fairbanks–Morse diesel engines. Some apparently had 1200hp steam uniflow engines. The ATA-type had 1,900bhp diesel electric engines and were of various lengths from 113 feet to 149 feet.
Original Name | Later Names | O/N |
SC–715 (USS); | then LT–785 (USCGS); then Cape Pine; | #193787 |
Major Richard M. Strong (USATS) | later LT–62 (USATS); later Island Sovereign; later Seaspan Sovereign; | #192879 |
LT–533 (USATS) | later 178987; later Roy H. Peters; later Escort; later Escort; later N.R. Lang; later Haida Chieftain; later Audry Gail; | #178987 |
LT–829 (USATS) | later Gulf Joan; later Seaspan Commander; later Sea Commander; | #325683 |
US APc–class Tugs
This group of vessels is covered in detail in an article by George Duddy on the Nauticapedia. For the full story of this class see the article which also sorts out the very confusing history of each of the vessels.
Original Name | Later Names | O/N |
APc–32 (USS) | later Sekani; later Wilmae Straits; later Enterprise; | #178052 |
APc–26 (USS) | later George M. Lindsay; later La Belle; Calm C.; later Calm Sea; | #179053 |
APc–15 (USS) | later Gulf Trader; later La Belle; Black Trader; | #179077 |
APc–111 (USS) | later Coastal Trader; later Sea Queen; La Fleur; T-W Sea Queen; | #192059 |
APc–25 (USS) | later Coastal Trader II; later Cape Scott, later Cape Cross; | #192067 |
APc–50? (USS) | later Northern Girl; Loughboro Princess; | #192495 |
APc–96 (USS) | later Sea Prince; later Le Prince; later T-W Sea Prince; later Sea Prince; | #192870 |
APc–3 (USS) | later P.B. Anderson; later T-W Zelley; | #193770 |
APc–7? (USS) | later sea Lark II; M.J. Scanlon; | #193771 |
APc–22 (USS) | later Stormbird; later La Dene; later Anna D; | #193790 |
US Army TP–class Wooden Tugs
The TP–class tugs were all purpose support vessels used in towing and tendering and general utility work for the US Army. There were 43 TPs constructed and all had low power as wartime economy measure. Almost all were sold into commercial use after the war ended. They were 91.4’ x 14.10’ x ?’ with 450hp Fairbanks–Morse six cylinder engines. All were built with 12" x 14" deck beams on 18" centers and 12" x 14" ribs. All the hull planks were through bolted and the hull treated with coal oil and sheathed in ironwood. They all had extra cabins and a large hold in the stern with a 40 ton capacity.
Original Name | Later Names | O/N |
TP–? (USATS) | later Jim; later Sirmac; later Jim; | #? |
TP–133 (USATS) | later Island Champion | #177373 |
TP–126 (USATS) | later Island Challenger; later Seaspan Challenger; later Seaspan Challenger; later Challenger; | #177380 |
TP–? (USATS)) | later Senator; later Rosario Straits; later Fury Straits; later Seaforth Fury; later Senator ; later Mt. Ream; later Wild Horses; | #178207 |
TP–100 (USATS) | later Adak; later Pacific Chief; later Adak; | #193517 |
TP–123 (USATS) | later Santrina; later Haro Straits; later Outlaw V; | #320295 |
TP–231 (USATS) | later Sea Giant; later La Brise; later Seaspan Breeze; later Breeze; | #178231 |
TP–? (USATS) | later Daring; later Anna Gore; later Seaspan Daring; later Daring 1; | #194698 |
TP–225 (USATS) | later Artic Queen; later Charlotte Straits | #193766 |
TP–? (USS) | later Titan; later Trojan | #820094 |
TP-?–(USATS) | later La Pine | #178799 |
US ST–class
This class was comprised of tugs under 75 feet. They were not all of the same design or specifications.
Original Name | Later Names | O/N |
?? (USATS) | later Santrina; later Pacific Master; later Haro Straits; later Haro; | #193772 |
YMS ? (USS) | later Thor; later R. Bell–Irving; later Stormking | #194214 |
ST ? (USATS) | later Island Ranger; later Seaspan Ranger; later Island Ranger; | #177371 |
ST ? (USATS) | later; E–170; later George McGregor | #177387 |
ST ? (USATS) | later Isabella Stewart; later Fraser Crown; later Pacific Buoy; | #177418 |
ST 1923 (USATS) | later Grand Bank; later Nanaimo Clipper; later Savage Warrior; later Grand Bank; | #183366 |
Miscellaneous US Army Transport Vessels
Original Name | Later Names | O/N |
(name not known) | later Veta C.; later Chelan | #193774 |
FS–242%20(USATS) | later Pomare; later Princess of Alberni; later Nootka Prince; later Techno Crown; later Ocean Crown | #195786 |
(name not known) | later Columbia King; later Gillking; | #178776 |
(name not known) | later Abele; later Superior Straits | #173188 |
Mount Edgecumbe %20USATS) | later Cape James | #189245 |
Anderson JMP–64 (USATS) | later Pacific Yellowfin | #822563 |
US Navy Submarine Chasers (WW One & WW Two)
Original Name | Later Names | O/N |
SC–772 (USS) | later Joan Lindsay; later Maplewood; later Lady Goodiver; | #194224 |
SC–715 (USS) | later LT–785 (USCGS); later Cape Pine | #193787 |
PC–504 (USS) | later SC–504 (USS); later Wesco No. 50; later Pacific Laurel; | #194941 |
USS–? | later Kaigani II; later Seymour Narrows; later Triggerfish; | #179598 |
SC–772 (USS) | later Joan Lindsay, later Maplewood, later Lady Goodiver; | #194224 |
Radiant (USS) | later Sechelt Chief; later Nanaimo Chief; later Donalee; later Radiant; | #190339 |
USS–? | later Quatsino; | #179614 |
SC–137 (USS) | later Cairdeas; | #192037 |
SC–293 (USS) | later Etta Mac; later Grant Lindsay; later Debbie Kathleen K. | #150649 |
SC–308 (USS) | then Hurry Home; later Marauder; later Maraudor (H.M.C.S.); later Marauder; | #156633 |
C–310 (USS) | later Trucilla; | #150650 |
USS–? | later Terry; later Amboyna; later Suquamish I; later Julian Rose MMXI XI XI; | #179642 |
USS–? | later Norqueen; | #178814 |
USS–? | later La Gloria; later Randy; later G.N. Carrier; | #194690 |
USS–? | later Jervis Express; later Tournament; later T–W Islander; later Mainland Express; later Pacific Express; | #178056 |
PC–1039 (USS) | later USS SC–1039; later Norking; | #179630 |
PC–504 (USS) | later USS SC–504; later Wesco No. 50; later Pacific Laurel; | #194941 |
US Navy ATR–class Tugs
There were 47 ATR–type Salvage and Rescue tugs constructed. They were 157.5' x 33.4' x 20.3' powered with four cylinder triple expansion reciprocating steam engines developing 1,600ihp.
Original Name | Later Names | O/N |
ATR–64 (USS) | later Logmac; later Mogul; later Island Monarch; later Seaspan Chinook; | #179431 |
ATR–? (USS) | later Salvage King | #150909 |
ATR–? (USS) | later Pacmar | #179480 |
ATR–? (USS) | later Towmac?; later Salvor | #179458 |
ATR–? (USS) | later Towmac?; later Salvor | #179617 |
Miscellaneous US Navy Vessels
Original Name | Later Names | O/N |
Original Name | Later Names | O/N |
Keosanqua (USS) (ATO–38) | later Edward J. Coyle; later Commodore Straits; | #179466 |
YMS–? (USS) | later Diesel | #150928 |
YMS–123 (USS) | later Y.M.S. 123; later Uchuck III | #179475 |
YMS–? (USS) | later Leslie; later Del Draco; later Basalt No. 1; later Jorgie; later Ocean Comet; later Mount Comet | #178829 |
YMS–? (USS) | Later Salvor; later Salvage Queen | #179617 |
YMS–? (USS) | later Tahsis King; later Tahsis Straits; later Pacific Venture; | #192079 |
YMS–? (USS) | later 2202; later Arbutus; later Nanaimo Clipper; | #153320 |
YFN–911 (USS) | later YFN–911 | #833199 |
RCN Norton–class tugs
Original Name | Later Names | O/N |
Clifton (HMCS) | later Clifton (CNAV); later Clifton | # |
Eatherton (HMCS) (AKA-527) | later Heatherton (C.N.A.V.); later Heatherton; | #368343 |
RCN Glen–class Tugs
Original Name | Later Names | O/N |
Glendevon (HMCS) | later Glendevon | #323277 |
Glendon (HMCS) | later Glendon (CNAV); later North Arm Highlander; later Timber Wolf; | #323218 |
Glencove (H.M.C.S.) | later Consol II; later Glen Rover; | #176561 |
RCN Vessels Converted to Tugs
Original Name | Later Names | O/N |
Sudbury (HMCS) | later Sudbury | #190601 |
Armentieres (HMCS) | later A.G. Garrish; later Arctic Rover; La Force; Polaris; | #? |
Truro (HMCS) | later Herchmer (R.C.M.P.); later Gulf Mariner; | #177616 |
Rossland (HMCS) | later La Verne; | #179470 |
Kalamalka (HMCS) | later Kalamlka | #190303 |
RCAF Vessels Converted to Tugs
Original Name | Later Names | O/N |
General Caldwell (R.C.A.F.)) | later General Caldwell; | #172497 |
General MacKenzie (R.C.A.F.) | later Mar Bermejo; later Majellan Streight; Magellan Straits; | #194210 |
R.C.A.F. M.468 Songhee | later Songhee (R.C.A.F.); later Songhee (C.N.A.V.); Songhee; later Driftwood; | #176893 |
Canadian Vessels With Second World War Origins in the United States
These are vessels thought to have had US naval and military origins but whose early history is not currently known. List is not complete – or confirmed.
Original Name | Later Names | O/N |
(Original Name Unknown) | later Maureen M. | #190825 |
(Original Name Unknown) | later La Risque | #178236 |
(Original Name Unknown) | later Clearwater; later Horn River | #176217 |
(Original Name Unknown) | later F.M. Yorke | #178238 |
(Original Name Unknown) | later West Hawk | #197692 |
(Original Name Unknown) | later Waterboy | #179450 |
(Original Name Unknown) | later Titan; later Trojan I | #820094 |
(Original Name Unknown) | later Royal Van | #190300 |
(Original Name Unknown) | later Mamin | #190832 |
(Original Name Unknown) | later La Pointe | #178217 |
Original Name Unknown) | later Klinaklini | #190331 |
(Original Name Unknown) | later Klatawa Chief; later Nanaimo Chinook; | #193366 |
(Original Name Unknown) | later R.M. & S.; later Kateen | #179610 |
Original Name Unknown) | later Marjory H.; later Grandy II; later Y–Tee Grandy; | #197357 |
(Original Name Unknown) | later Westply II | #193484 |
(Original Name Unknown) | later Western Express | #179082 |
(Original Name Unknown) | later Norman Nelson; later Western Dispatcher | #190573 |
(Original Name Unknown) | later Speedmac; later Griffin III; later Shogun II; | #192514 |
(Original Name Unknown) | later Slave | #176218 |
(Original Name Unknown) | later Rosario Princess; later Nautilus VII; later Emerald Tide; | #818031 |
(Original Name Unknown) | later Pullaway No. 5 | #194223 |
(Original Name Unknown) | later Pollux | #192028 |
(Original Name Unknown) | later Pacific Prince | #195231 |
(Original Name Unknown) | later Nahmint | #179478 |
(Original Name Unknown) | Later Fram; later Norcrown; later John Todd | #197707 |
(Original Name Unknown) | later Glaco | #190299 |
(Original Name Unknown) | later Canyon No. 1 | #190101 |
(Original Name Unknown) | later Tidings; later Western Ocean; | #197702 |
(Original Name Unknown) | later Veta C.; later Western Producer | #197696 |
(Original Name Unknown) | later Skeena Belle | #179644 |
Acknowledgements: I would like to thank the members of the British Columbia Nautical History Facebook Group for their assistance in sorting out the origins of several vessels in this list, and background on Miki Miki tugs.
To quote from this article please cite:
the late John Henderson with updates by John M. MacFarlane (2015) Military Vessels Converted to Tugs & Yachts in British Columbia Waters. 2015.

Site News: March 24, 2025
The vessel database has been updated and is now holding 95,326 vessel histories (with 16,457 images and 14,217 records of ship wrecks and marine disasters).
The mariner and naval biography database has also been updated and now contains 58,600 entries (with 4,003 images).
My thanks to Ray Warren who is beginning a long process of filling gaps in the photo record of the vessel histories in the vessel database. Ray has been documenting the ships of Vancouver Harbour for more than 60 years.
Thanks to contributor Mike Rydqvist McCammon for the hundreds of photos he continues to contribute to illustrate British Columbia’s floating heritage.
My very special thanks to our volunteer IT adviser, John Eyre, who (since 2021) has modernized, simplified and improved the update process for the databases into semi–automated processes. His participation has been vital to keeping the Nauticapedia available to our netizens.
Thanks to John Spivey who is in his 4th year of fact checking all of the entries in the vessel database, one-by-one.